Lydiard Millicent Parish Council has seats for eleven councillors that local residents have the opportunity to elect every four years. If there are less than eleven Councillors at any time, and residents do not request an election, the Council will co-opt from the Parish.
Full Council meetings are open to the Public and held on a monthly basis; details of dates and locations are posted on noticeboards around the Parish and available on the website. Everyone is invited to come along, listen to the debate and hear first hand decisions made by the Councillors. Only members of the Council are entitled to speak at this time, there is to be no interference from the public gallery. Occasionally members of the public will be asked to leave the meeting; by the Chairman where someone is refusing to sit quietly to listen, or by resolution of the Council when matters of a confidential nature are due to be considered.
Before each Full Council meeting a period of time is set aside to hold a Public Question Time. This gives residents and members of the public an opportunity to ask questions or make comments to Councillors. Although this question time is mainly set aside for parish council related issues, residents have always been able to raise issues concerning the Unitary Authority, or other Service Providers as well – with members of the Council acting as a signpost.
The monthly meeting is a very small part of what the Parish Council does. Councillors will meet in small groups throughout the month to discuss topical issues within the parish, and more importantly how the Parish Council can influence its partners to carry out work, or consider financing works themselves. No decisions can be made at these meetings, but they are invaluable for research and investigation of issues prior to the Council making a decision at its monthly meeting, which the Clerk will then implement.
Contact Details for the Parish Council can be found here:
*RFO – Responsible Financial Officer