There are due to be surface dressing work to be carried out on both the B4553 and B4040. Plus also Stoke Common Road at Purton Stoke.
The work for the B4553 and B4040 are due to take place on Wednesday 21st of July 2021 between the hours of 9:30 and 15:00. However, on occasions, works may over run due to uncontrollable circumstances such as plant breakdowns and unfavourable weather conditions. Road markings will be replaced in the weeks following the completion of the surface dressing works.
Due to the nature of the works and the local environment the works will be carried out within a temporary road closure, to ensure that adequate health & safety is maintained for both the Contractor and local residents.
Diversions will be in place. Please allow extra time should you live within the area of the closures as although access should be possible there could be delays in allowing traffic to move about.
It is understood the whole of the route will not be closed in one go but as the contractor moves along the route hence the bus may get through at times but if not it will terminate just past Packhorse Corner.
The work on the B4553 is at:
Crosslanes to Common Platt
And from Cricklade to Watkins Corner
The work on the B4040 is around a short stretch of road at The Leigh near Swan Lane.
Stoke Common Road
Stoke Common Road, the road from the Bell pub down through the village, is also due to be surfaced on Sunday 25th July. This will also be done as a road closure with access for residents, but again delays will be possible.